Short and sweet is how we like information provided to us. Google may throw up a whole lot of results when you run a search for your own name and you may find many with the same name. Celebrities like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Eminem may be in the top of the list with many people searching for information on them.
Your search for a cover letter may seem as elusive as finding out the information you want on these celebrities. The internet out there is filled with junk and just do not pick up any junk for your cover letter. My best advice is to do the writing all by your self and score higher. You may become a celebrity one day just because you have your own style. That daay is never far off here is a few secrets can help you in your immediate need (your cover letter).
- Stick to the simple. You do not need to brag about your vocabulary. Just read your letter out to a kid at a school and if he/she does not understand what you are saying. Scrap it.
- Use Active voice when you are furnishing further information or telling about yourself. Do not beat around the bush. When you are simple and address the issue right away then it is more effective. In case you are looking to go for the interview. Just tell them right away; “Will be happy to attend an interview and will call up discuss about the interview timings” and make that call when you assume they have go the cover letter and your resume.
- Another polite way of saying it is: “Will be pleased to meet you at the earliest to discuss my credentials and how it can be useful to your needs. I can be reached at Phone number 1111-1223 -1212-3133 and will call you to follow up as well just to make sure my application has reached you.”
- Split your cover letter into smaller paragraphs so that it is easy to skim through and get the required information.
- Well be sure to add a note at the top highlighting the post/requirement you are applying for. In case you feel it is too loud on the top. Place a small note at the bottom indicating what you are applying for.
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